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В рамках реализации проекта ПРООН.ГЭФ "Применение биомассы для отопления и горячего водоснабжения в Республике Беларусь" подготовлено для подписания партнерское соглашение о сотрудничестве между РУП "Белинвестэнергосбережение" (Беларусь) и региональным энергетическим агенством земли Штирия, компанией LEV. С Австрийской стороны подписание данного соглашения состоялось 12 июля 2005 г. в торжественной атмосфере в г. Грац (Австрия). Соглашение подписал вице губернатор Штирии г-н Лепольд Шегл.

Церемонии подписания в г. Грац Церемонии подписания в г. Грац

С белорусской стороны подписание состоялось после получения подписанного варианта по почте.

Церемонии подписания в г.Минске Церемонии подписания в г.Минске

Подписанное соглашения касается развития сотрудничества между указанными организациями в области повышения эффективности использования энергетических ресурсов, а также расширения использования и возобновляемой энергии.

Брошюра выставки WSED от LEV

Пожалуйста прочтите новую информацию от австрийского партнера LEV

Пожалуйста прочтите новости австрийского партнера LEV

This information came from our Austrian partner LEV

LEV is a member of Fedarene.

FEDARENE is the premier European network of regional and local organisations which implement, co-ordinate and facilitate energy and environment policies. Regional and local agencies, ministries and departments working in these fields, are represented in FEDARENE.

FEDARENE, a non-profit association set up in 1990 at the initiative of six European regions, now has 65 member regions from fifteen European Union countries.


  • A leading partner for actors involved in local supply and demand of energy
  • Initiator of proposals
  • Forum for promoting co-operation and exchange of experience
  • Centre for information and advice

Bulletin from FEDARENE

  • Copenhagen Energy and Local Agenda 21 Centres Collaborates
  • Solar thermal campaign in Upper Austria
  • CBNI - Conservation of the Cross-Border Natural Infrastructure Conference
  • World Sustainable Energy Days 2006
  • "BIOFUELS" in Europe: Production, Market Structures and Transfer of Knowledge
  • European Info Day on the 2005 Call for Proposals
  • Commission discusses five-point plan to react to the surge in oil prices
  • Member States Reports in the frame of Directive 2003/30EC
  • Stakeholder consultation on adaptation to scientific and technical progress under Directive 2002/95/EC
  • Commission has right to propose sanctions for environmental crimes
  • Library of INTERREG IIIA, B20 & C Programme Documents now online!
  • Danish researchers present an invention to solve one of the biggest hindrances in the way of hydrogen fuel replacing traditional oil and petrol
  • Workshop on RES-support mechanisms, Salzburg
  • FIDAREC "Dialogues for a Responsible Market"
  • Biomass Industry Day
  • "Mobility plans for SME's, examples and ideas"
  • European Environment Outlook


  • 2005 General Assembly in Barcelona
    ICAEN - the Institut Catalа d'Energia - is holding an Energy Week the third week of October 2005. Fedarene will seize this opportunity to organise a Board of Administration, its Annual General Assembly and a working group on "Transport and Mobility. During these days (17-18 October 2005), Fedarene will launch a discussion on the Green paper on Energy Efficiency. Please note this date in your diaries. The Board of Administration and the General Assembly will take place in the conference room of the Robert Palau, Passeig de Grаcia nє 105 in Barcelona on the 17th of October.
  • Working group on Transport and Mobility
    On October 18th, 2005, FEDARENE is organising a working group on "Transport and Mobility" with the support of the Institut Catala d'Energia and Energikontor Sydost.
    As underlined in the White Paper European transport policy for 2010: time to decide: "Europe must bring about a real change in the Common Transport Policy. The time has come to set new objectives for it: restoring the balance between modes of transport and developing intermodality, combating congestion and putting safety and the quality of services at the heart of our efforts, while maintaining the right to mobility. This new framework for charging should both promote the use of less polluting modes and less congested networks and prepare the way for new types of infrastructure financing".
    The aim of this working group is to exchange experiences among Energy Agencies which have already developed experiences in the transport sector and also to involve Energy Agencies who intent to develop this sector.
    The main topics of this meeting will be to go through the STEER programmes, to exchange the best practices developed in regional or local areas and to define common projects. Further information on this event is available at:
  • fedarene@fedareneorg
    Fedarene is using 1 e-mail address, please note fedarene@fedarene.org


  • Copenhagen Energy and Local Agenda 21 Centres Collaborates
    Copenhagen Energy has worked with the Agenda 21 network for a number of years and is now issuing electricity-meters through the city's five Agenda 21 Centres.
    The purpose of issuing the electricity-meters is to make Copenhagen citizens decrease their energy consumption. On an overall, ten percent of residential energy consumption is caused by household devices being on standby when they could have been turned off.
    The new electricity meters show the energy consumption of for instance televisions, computers and refrigerators in kWh as well as in Danish kronor. This makes it easy for customers to see where they with a little concern can save money, and when it would pay off to for instance invest in a new refrigerator.
    It is also possible to lend the electricity-meters at Copenhagen Central Library and in the Energy Shop in Central Copenhagen. However with the service extended to the local Agenda 21 Centres it is nearer to the citizens and hopefully many will take advantage of the free offer.
  • Solar thermal campaign in Upper Austria
    Presently, 722,000 m_ solar thermal are installed in the region of Upper Austria which is nearly 0.5 m_ per inhabitant. In total 250 million kWh heat are produced annually and the Upper Austrian companies account for a quarter of the annual turn-over of the Austrian solar industry of about 121 million _.
    The successful market development so far mainly took place in the residential sector with every third newly built one family house being equipped with solar thermal collectors.
    Moreover the Upper Austrian energy strategy sets the ambitious aim of doubling solar thermal collectors from the year to 2000 to 2010. By 2010 it is aimed at having installed 1,000,000 m_ solar thermal collectors - equalling 0.72 m_ per inhabitant!
    This favourable development is a result of a number of solar promotion activities in the last years. In order to further support this development and to interest new consumer groups in solar energy, the Upper Austrian solar campaign was started in summer 2005 including a number of activities as for example a solar hotline, information on the website (www.esv.or.at) and posting a number of solar bills.
    Additionally a number of programmes are implemented to further increase the market share of solar energy by creating a demand for solar energy products & services and by supporting the market in meeting this demand. The mix of measures comprises information & awareness raising activities (internet, workshops, training), competitions (regional solar league), energy advice (for private households, public buildings, companies), training & education (launching two new educational schemes for jobs in the RES sector) and financial support (including a TPF programme).
    More information on the Upper Austrian solar initiatives: O.Ц. Energiesparverband, Christiane Egger, T: +43-732-7720-14380,F: +43-732-7720-4383, office@esv.or.at, www.esv.or.at
  • CBNI - Conservation of the Cross-Border Natural Infrastructure Conference
    The CBNI Conference will take place in Lille, building: le Nouveau Siиcle, Place Mendes France, on Tuesday 25th October 2005.
    Kent and Nord-Pas de Calais share a common biological and landscape heritage (internationally valued woodlands, chalk grassland and wetlands). The Cross-Border Natural Infrastructure project compares actions for biological and landscape20 diversity as Kent County Council and The Rйgion Nord-Pas de Calais are both presented with very similar critical challenges.
    Regional strategies translated at the cross-border scale
    The European Commission encourages cross-border co-operations for the creation of a Pan-European Ecological Network which has inspired both partners to set up the CBNI project. Two keyproducts of the partnership have been:
    • In Nord-Pas de Calais with the 'Trame Verte et Bleue' Regional Scheme (SRTVB);
    • In Kent, The Kent Landscape Information System programme (K-LIS).

    The CBNI conference will conclude this two-year project and present the planning decision tools that both partners have produced.
    For further information, the conference' programme and registration form, please clickhere.
  • World Sustainable Energy Days 2006
    The World Sustainable Energy Days, the largest annual conference in this field in Europe, is organised by O.O. Energiesparverband on 1-3 March 2006 in Wels/Austria.
    This largest annual conference in the field of sustainable energy use in Europe will once more offer a unique combination of events:
    • European Energy Efficiency Conference
    • Conference "Renewable Heating and Cooling"
    • European Pellets Forum
    • Conference "Green electricity for Europe's regions "
    • Seminar "Green Energy Business - new clients, new markets"
    • Site visits

    We invite you to participate in the Call for Papers on the following subjects:
    • Heating and cooling with renewable energy sources
    • Green electricity
    • Energy efficiency in buildings, industry and transport

    In parallel to the conference, the "Energiesparmesse", Europe's leading sustainable energy exhibition and trade show, is held.

    More information on the event and the call for papers can be found in the attachment and on www.wsed.at


  • "BIOFUELS" in Europe: Production, Market Structures and Transfer of Knowledge
    One of Fedarene's members, B.&S.U., is currently looking for project partners (such as energy agencies, chambers of foreign trade, agricultural associations or research institutes) for an EIE ( Intelligent Energy Europe / ALTENER) project.
    The project is called "BIOFUELS" and the aim is to encourage production, processing, trade, sales and marketing of renewable energy crops for biofuel production in EU-countries such as Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and candidate countries such as Bulgaria and Romania.
    With the means of an appropriate market mechanism, this new supply shall be interlinked with the existing demand structure of the old EU-States. Therefore, suitable framework conditions are essential.
    As a result of agro-economic market research and strategic analysis consolidated and ready-to-implement concepts for demonstration projects in the five countries will be drawn up; in parallel, a network for the exchange of experience and knowledge among the different stakeholders will be established. Interested?
    Please contact: B.&S.U. Beratungs- und Service-Gesellschaft Umwelt mbH
    Ms Petra Hackmann - Project Manager; email: phackmann@bsu-koeln.de
    Stadtwaldgьrtel 4; D - 50931 Kцln; Tel. ++49-221-3777-686; Fax ++49-221-3777-687


  • European Info Day on the 2005 Call for Proposals
    The 2005 Call for Proposals of the 'Intelligent Energy - Europe' (IEE) Programme of the European Union will be published later this month, opening a 4-month period during which applications for IEE co-funding can be submitted.
    In total, approximately 50 million Euros of financial support will be made available for European projects, events and new local or regional agencies, which promote energy efficiency and the wider use of renewable energy sources.
    In order to provide you with all necessary information and advice on how to apply for IEE co-funding, the Intelligent Energy Executive Agency (IEEA) of the European Commission organises a European Info Day on Friday 7 October 2005 in Brussels.
    You will also have the opportunity to meet and network with colleagues from across Europe, and to learn from the coordinators of successful proposals.
    Participation at this event is free of charge. More information and a registration form are available on:

  • Commission discusses five-point plan to react to the surge in oil prices
    The Commission discussed on the 6th September 2005, a five-point plan presented by Energy Commissioner Andris Piebalgs to bring an even greater focus on dealing with current very high oil prices. The present very high oil prices are without doubt of concern to the European Union, not only in terms of their impact on the welfare of EU citizens but also regarding their effect on economic growth and thus the attainment of its EU's Lisbon objectives. Andris Piebalgs said:
    "The Commission's energy policy has for some time now focused on a series of measures to react to the high oil prices. Europe leads the world in providing an intelligent, coherent and environmentally sound response to this challenge However, given current prices and the negative effect that this is having on EU citizens, we need to redouble our efforts".
    The five-point plan discussed focuses on reducing demand for energy. The EU is already at the forefront of endeavours to introduce effective energy savings programmes. It has adopted the Buildings and eco-design Directives and in June 2005 it put forward a Green Paper on Energy Efficiency to be followed in 2006 by a concrete Action Plan identifying exactly how here energy savings should be harnessed.
    The second main response to oil prices in the medium to long term is to switch to using alternative energy sources and to increase reliance on other forms of energy. As lack of transparency is adding to price speculation, transparency and predictability of oil markets have to be increased. Although the priority must be to reduce demand and to shift towards alternative and cleaner sources of energy, it seems clear that in both the short and medium term the world will need an increase the supply of oil and gas and more refining capacity.
    Finally, there must be a more effective reaction to emergency situations with respect to oil stocks. Under EU law all Member States must retain emergency oil stocks equivalent to 90 days normal consumption. This is the European equivalent to, and is in fact significantly larger than, the US Strategic Oil Reserve. The recent decision of the IEA to release stocks in a coordinated way to respond to the effects of Hurricane Katrina is welcomed by the Commission. However, not all EU Member States are members of the IEA, and the Commissioner considers that some form of coordination of oil stocks at Community level is necessary, in line with the subsidiarity principle.
    The detailed Five-point plan to react to the surge in oil prices is available online.
  • Member States Reports in the frame of Directive 2003/30EC
    National reports for the year 2005 on the implementation of Directive 2003/30/EC of 8 May 2003 on the promotion of the use of biofuels or other renewable fuels for transport are now available at:
    Among the countries that submitted their reports one could mention: Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden and United Kingdom.


  • Stakeholder consultation on adaptation to scientific and technical progress under Directive 2002/95/EC
    Stakeholder consultation on adaptation to scientific and technical progress under Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment for the purpose of a possible amendment of the annex.
    Article 4(1) of Directive 2002/95/EC on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (1) provides 'that from 1 July 2006, new electrical and electronic equipment put on the market does not contain lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, PBB or PBDE.' The annex to the Directive lists a limited number of applications of lead, mercury, cadmium and hexavalent chromium, which are exempted from the requirements of Article 4(1).
    According to Article 5 (2) of Directive 2002/95/EC the Commission is required to consult the relevant stakeholders before amending the annex. The results of this consultation will be forwarded to the Technical Adaptation Committee of the Directive 2002/95/EC and the Commission services will provide an account of the information received Although the Commission will analyse the results of this stakeholder consultation carefully, please note that as with all stakeholder consultations, this action is only one part of the decision making process.
    The questions are available online at:
    Interested parties are invited to send their comments by 28 October 2005 at the latest by e-mail to ENV-RoHS@cec.eu.int or by post to: European Commission, DG Environment, Unit G4 - Consultation Directive 2002/95/EC, B-1049, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Commission has right to propose sanctions for environmental crimes
    In a groundbreaking judgement for EU law in general, the ECJ decided on 13 September to annul the Council's 2003 Framework Decision on the protection of the environment through criminal law.
    The European Court of Justice's ruling will allow the Commission to strengthen its legislative proposals by introducing criminal sanctions for breaches of EU law. The Court case was started after the Council replaced a 2001 Commission's draft directive with its own weaker Framework Decision. If adopted the proposed draft directive would have given the commission the power to push member states to punish environmental crimes.
    However, some member states did not want any interference of the Commission in their criminal law and therefore adopted a Framework Decision, which falls under the third, intergovernmental pillar.
    The Court has now annulled the Framework Decision Commission President Barroso greeted the judgement saying it strengthens the EU's chances of enforcing laws once they have been agreed by the member states. EU diplomats were not immediately ready to comment on the ruling. It is as yet unclear if the commission will reintroduce its 2001 proposal.


  • Library of INTERREG IIIA, B & C Programme Documents now online!
    INTERACT Point Tool Box launched the first ever INTERREG III Programme Documents Web Library containing over 400 documents. INTERACT Point Tool Box officially requested the documents from all INTERREG III programmes. The documents have been categorised so as to facilitate the search for specific documents.
    The Web Library targets INTERREG III programme and project actors, to be used as a tool for the dissemination of INTERREG III programme documents and information. The Web Library is available at:


  • Danish researchers present an invention to solve one of the biggest hindrances in the way of hydrogen fuel replacing traditional oil and petrol
    Claus Hviid Christensen's pill looks like a regular aspirin, but the headache it is designed to relieve0 is one of global dimensions.
    Christensen, along with his team of scientists at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), have found a way to store hydrogen in a tablet form, overcoming one of the biggest problems with using hydrogen: storage.
    'The last 20 years, researchers worldwide have tried to find a practical way to store hydrogen. Without it, there is no hope for hydrogen to become a dominant fuel typ. We have found that way,' Christensen, who is professor of chemistry at DTU, told daily newspaper Jyllands-Posten.
    After keeping their project a secret for the past six months while waiting for international patent protection, the researchers planned to publicly reveal their invention at a scientific conference in Chicago on Wednesday.
    The DTU team has worked for a year and a half to develop a method to store hydrogen, a lighter-than-air, inflammable gas, in a compact, solid form.
    'Before, the amount of hydrogen needed to fuel a passenger vehicle for 500 kilometres occupied the same space as nine passenger vehicles. With our pill, the same amount of energy can be contained in a normal 50 litre tank,' said Christensen.
    Other hydrogen fuel experts said that the innovation was nothing short of a breakthrough.
    'Not least because the hydrogen pill doesn't lose energy when it isn't in use,' said Andreas Zьttel, a professor of physics with Fribourg University in Switzerland.
    The Federation of Danish Motorists (FDM) said it had great expectations about the new hydrogen technology. Nevertheless, the organisation advised motorists not to get too enthusiastic about the invention yet.
    'We expect motorists to be able to buy the first commercially interesting hydrogen cars in ten years. And we expect diesel and petrol-fuelled cars to be sold alongside the new ones for a long time. The oil reserves will last for the next fifty years, at least,' said Sшren W. Rasmussen, car technology editor at FDM's magazine Motor.
    He added that the only way the new cars could take over the market was if the state decided to support the new technology one-sidedly.
    'But we don't have a tradition for that sort of thing here in Denmark,' Rasmussen said.
    On the other hand, selling used petrol and diesel cars may become somewhat of a challenge in the future, as experts predict that fossil-fuelled, contaminating cars are doomed to a dinosaurian fate, Jyllands-Posten reported.
    Instead of exhaust fumes, hydrogen engines produce water.
    Another benefit of increased hydrogen traffic may be quieter streets, as petrol and oil cars' roar will be replaced by the hydrogen cars' soft hum.


  • Workshop on RES-support mechanisms, Salzburg, September 26-27, 2005
    On September 26-27, 2005, a workshop on RES-support mechanisms will be organised in Salzburg in the framework of the activities of the project "Renewable Energy and Liberalisation in Selected Electricity markets-Forum" (REALISE FORUM)
    The project, supported by the EC under the Programme Intelligent Energy-Europe, covers the experience of Germany, Italy, Slovenia, the Netherlands and the Scandinavian countries and is coordinated by the Environmental Policy Research Centre of the Free University Berlin.
    Different RES support mechanisms such20 as feed in tariffs (FIT) and tradable green certificates (TGCs) will be discussed against the background of the liberalisation of the electricity markets.
    For further information, please20 consult the event section of the project's website at www.realise-forum.net.

  • Changing modes of production and consumption for a sustainable development.
    FIDAREC < Dialogues for a Responsible Market >
    FIDAREC is the First International Forum on the Territorial Dynamics of Responsible Consumption and Eco-Design of Products and Services and it will be held on September 29th and 30th 2005, in Divonne-les-Bains (France) near Geneva (Switzerland).

    This event aims to bring together and to facilitate the dialogue between:

    • The production enterprises and the retailers that sell;
    • Public and private purchasers and consumers;
    • Experts and researchers;
    • Territorial managers (local authorities) that harbour all these activities and stakeholders

    The objective is clear: to create a "responsible market" where the main actors reach an understanding and adopt common rules to install the terms for an equitable exchange. The "responsible market", stemming off from a common will to move on from the current status quo, and progressively substitute the contemporary market "laws" where an "invisible hand" has failed to regulate the terms of the equilibrium of exchange.
    This event will include:
    • 5 "Project Workshops"
    • 2 Plenary opening sessions with round tables
    • Launch of a cycle of conferences
    • Adoption of an action and training program
    • Information and exchange stands

    More information is available in French at: www.fidarec.org or in English by clicking here.

  • Biomass Industry Day
    "Biomass Industry Day - to promote and support biomass industrial application and utilisation", will take place on Thursday the 20th of October 2005 from 10:30 until 18:30, at the Palais des Congrиs, Paris, France, in occasion of the14th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition.
    The Biomass Industry Day is a targeted event to promote biomass industrial applications, aiming at reducing the gap between the demonstration and the market phases, as biomass carries the strongest long-term perspectives for a renewable and sustainable energy supply The event will exploit the excellent opportunity provided by the Conference to get in contact with the main stakeholders in the sector (i.e. industry, research institutes, project developers, decision makers, etc.)
    It is an ambitious platform for the industry with the scope to accelerate the penetration of biomass technologies in the energy market on a European and global level and to promote industrial cooperation, gathering representatives of the RD&D sector, industry actors and associations.
    Further information on this conference is available on-line at the following web address: www.conference-biomass.com/biomass2005/conference_related_events.asp
  • "Mobility plans for SME's, examples and ideas" Conference
    The Mobility Department of the Walloon Regional SME's Office organizes on the 23 September 2005 a conference entitled: "Mobility plans for SME's, examples and ideas". The conference will take place, within the framework of the Mobility Week, in Aula Magna, Louvain-la-Neuve from 8h30 at 14 hours.

    The following questions will be discussed during this event:

    • Which are the means of action at disposal of the companies?
    • Which can be the advantages of a proactive management of a mobility plan?
    • What can one learn from the other companies' experiences?

    More practical information, the program and the registration form are available on-line at: http://www.uwe.be/colloquemobilite.html; information available in French only (registration deadline for this event is: September 16, 2005)


  • European Environment Outlook
    This European environment outlook report addresses a range of environmental concerns and their common driving forces in an integrated way, and turns the spotlight on some of the more pressing issues. The report highlights the prospects for Europe's environment, exploring the consequences of our current expectations regarding socio-economic developments and, in some instances, points towards options for a more sustainable future.
    The report can be downloaded from:

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